What is procrastination?

When you search the term ‘procrastination’ on Wikipedia, this is the standard internet definition that will appear- “Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something deliberately and voluntarily, although knowing that it would have negative repercussions”. In a nutshell, procrastination is not doing what you should be doing, and, instead finding 100 other things to do. All of us procrastinate! we are humans after all! The issue arises when procrastination consumes the time that we should be spending doing productive things, be it studying or tidying up our messy room.

You were meant to complete your homework and turn it in the following month. suddenly, You find yourself worried as you try to gather research materials, organize, and type out your project! It’s the day to turn in your assignment! What happened! Where did a whole month go!
Did you relate to the above hypothetical situation? I know most of us did.
procrastination vs Laziness!
People often confuse procrastination with laziness. These terms might seem very similar but there is a distinction between them.
Procrastination is an intentional behavior in which you choose to do something other than the task at hand. Laziness, on the other hand, is associated with apathy, passivity, and a failure to perform.
Procrastination typically means deferring a less pleasurable but perhaps more important duty in favor of something more pleasurable or simple.
However, giving in to this urge could have disastrous consequences. Even minor acts of procrastination, for example, can cause us to feel guilty or ashamed. It can reduce productivity and cause us to fall short of our goals.
We can become demotivated and disillusioned with our work if we procrastinate for an extended period of time, which can lead to depression and, in extreme cases, job loss.
Even though procrastination is unavoidable, we can significantly reduce it. Let’s look at how we can overcome procrastination now that we know the ins and outs of it:
1.Setting daily goals-
This may appear to be a minor thing, but it can make a significant difference. Setting daily goals is merely another way to trick your brain into working. Have you ever noticed how you jump right into work when a deadline or an exam is approaching? That is exactly what you are doing in this situation. Setting daily goals or deadlines for yourself allows you to feel less stressed and gives you a sense of success when you achieve these goals.
2.Do not overwork-
This may seem paradoxical given the subject of this blog, but it is one of the most likely causes of procrastination. When you overwork, you become burned out and lose motivation to work. Avoid studying for long periods of time and take rests in between. Both your mind and body require it!
3. Reward yourself-
Incentive or reward is the best way to motivate someone. You can take a little breather and do something fun and relaxing after each study session, or you can have your favorite snack as a reward after you are done with your daily tasks.
4. Avoid distractions!
Getting rid of distractions in your environment helps you concentrate on your work and avoid procrastinating. The more difficult it is for you to engage in procrastinatory activities, the better you will be able to focus. Put your phone in a place where it is not easily accessible. Eliminate any distractions and try focusing solely on your studies.
5.Create a study environment-
If you can’t seem to bring yourself to stop procrastinating when studying at your usual space, go to the library or a coffee shop. Separate your workspace from areas where you sleep or eat because having a spot dedicated completely to work will help you transition into “work mode” more quickly when you need to get things done.
Procrastination is a challenging problem to overcome, but if you’re willing to put in the effort to create a sound plan of action and then follow through on that plan, you have a good chance of success.
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