Maths is considered one of the most important subjects and can be difficult for many students. a lot of students are scared of this exam, but you shouldn’t be! It is not that hard! Just study properly and practice. In this article, I am going to tell you a few tips to help you prepare for your maths exam.

1- pay attention to your teacher-
Be attentive in class. Listen to what your teacher is teaching and try to understand it properly. Ask questions and clear your doubts through your teacher. You can also use the Doubt Buddy app for doubt clearing. It is super quick and easy and has the best tutors to teach and guide you.
2- Study from NCERT-
You don’t need any additional study material to study, the NCERT is more than enough. make sure to complete your NCERT properly and understand every concept very well.
3- Start studying early on-
Start your studies early. Maths has a lot of concepts that need practice and revision. Do not keep your studies for later and finish your syllabus on time. This will give you enough time for practice.
4- Study daily-
Give maths at least an hour of study time. Doing this regularly will give you great results. Revise the topic you have studied that day after going home and practice questions.
5- practice questions –
Practice as many questions as you can. Maths is a subject which requires a lot of practice to do well in it. make sure to solve a couple of questions every single day. This will make your foundation stronger and you will be able to do well in your exams.
6- Solve sample papers before exams-
solve 1-2 question papers if you can before exams. This will give you an idea of where you stand in your preparation and then you will be able to work on concepts in which you are lacking.
Don’t complicate your studies, the subject is not that difficult and you don’t have boards either. Just study regularly and practice.
download the doubt buddy app-
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