CBSE has changed the pattern of the exams which has made a lot of people confused. This time the exams will be MCQ-based and will focus more on the problem-solving and critical thinking of students. In this article, I have mentioned some important things you should know about the exam-

For class 12 board exams, keep in mind the following things:-
- Answer keys will be released after the examination is over.
- The questions papers will be the same for both papers.
- Candidates who do not carry an extra copy of the question paper will not be able to use the electronic question papers.
- Candidates can see the questions and answers sheets for the exact answers to their questions.
- All subjects of board exams are theory-based. Questions will be based on multiple choice answers, and students have two hours to finish an exam.
- All questions will be of 1 mark each.
- Dates for the board exam will be announced.
- Schools must conduct final exams with 45-75% attendance and no excuses will be tolerated.
- Students should arrange for their examination centers very early in advance.
- The first section will be followed by the physics, chemistry, and biology papers. The second section will be English, Hindi, and political science papers. The third section will be on mathematics and the fourth paper will be on commerce and general knowledge. The last section will be of the biology and Hindi paper.
Exam pattern for class 10
- In this year’s Class 10 board exam, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made a slew of changes in the format of question papers for maths and economics and announced changes to the English question paper too.
- For CBSE class 10 board exams, the board will not allow to use calculators in exams for this year. The exam for mathematics will be divided into two sections of 35 marks each. One section will be for short and long division and the other for average fractions.
- For class 10 board exams, the board has recommended introduction of the NEET-like pattern for a few subjects.
- The board has asked students to “regularise” online answers and in some cases replaced certain marks with marks earned by the students in practical exams.
- Students who have been frequently claiming not to have studied enough will have to be examined for their performance by exam centres.
- CBSE has also provided an option to open extra tabs for optional subjects like home science, computer science, and crafts.
- Points and questions have been made more difficult in most subjects.
- Questions for mathematics will be tricky for students and will include problems on area and volume,
- The candidates will be expected to attempt and solve difficult questions in theory and analytic calculus.
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