Choose your career right – What should you pursue?

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Before you finish your 12th grade in science, you must face a daunting question. What should you choose after your graduation? Which is the best career choice for you? Your choice now determines your future career and your life. So before making such a big decision, you have to sit down and introspect yourself. There are a few questions which you must ask yourself.

What do I like?

Ask yourself this question first. Close your eyes and think about what do you like. Which part of science excites you the most? Science and technology are vast; you have to narrow down what you like to pursue and what you don’t. If you have a vast area of likeness, say mathematics or chemistry. Strike off those areas which you don’t like to study in. Then you have successfully narrowed down the fields you would like to pursue.

The next step you need to do is to narrow it further down. If it’s Chemistry, then find out the different subcategories in it. Then choose the best things that you would like to do. Research about the subcategories before you note them down. Write down the top 5 things that you feel can take it up as a career. You have to remember that being a person of science and technology, you must not base your career on that which pays the most. If you wanted hefty pay, it would be better if you switched towards commerce as there is a lot of money to be made there. Only your dreams matter, not the pay or the salary. Know that once you start pursuing your dream, then the paychecks will follow if you are good enough. Science and technology is a high-paying field, except that you need to be like a pioneer in your field regardless of what you choose. This is an important thing to be kept in mind before choosing science as your field of career.

Where should I pursue my career?

After deciding what your desired career would be, now it is time to decide where you intend to pursue that. Which is the best college providing the top-of-the-class education in that field? Research on that. Write down the top universities. Then find out what is the admission procedure to those colleges. Then you have to work towards that. If there are exams that must be passed, then prepare for them. If there are other admission procedures, then proceed accordingly.

Do not doubt yourself.

One thing that many students face is second-guessing themselves. Know that there is still time before you decide your course of a career, i.e., till you graduate your 12th, you have the time to think about it. But once you have chosen your career, you may feel that you must have taken something else, that this is not the cup of coffee for you. This is common and expected. In the face of adversity, the human mind’s first thing is to try to find a way out. You have to remind yourself that this is the field you chose, and this is what you will pursue regardless of any challenges. Doubting yourself will lead to serious issues. The first thing that will happen if you let the doubt fester in yourself is a constant fear of failure, anxiety, and stress. This will then lead to you leading an unhappy career. To prevent this, make sure that this is what you want before you proceed. Do not give in to peer pressure or what your parents want you to do. It doesn’t matter what your passion is; pursue it, even if it seems out of “scope.”  

It may be tough, it may seem impossible but know that the only way you can know if you will be successful in your life if you pursue it with complete diligence.

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