CBSE Board Exam 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has finally cancelled the CBSE class 10 board exams in view of the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the country. The CBSE class 12 board exams have been postponed as of now. As far as the CBSE class 12 board exams are concerned, they have been postponed as of now and a decision will be taken on the CBSSE class 12 board exams on June 1, 2021, following a review of the situation. The CBSE class 12 candidates must note that a notice at least 15 days before the commencement of the exams will be given to them . Before the exams let’s keep few tips and tricks in mind which can be used during exam .
Colour Pen Trick – Using two pens (especially Black and Blue) drags the special attention of the checker. I’d recommend using a black pen for headings and use a blue pen for the rest.
Extra marks for using Pencil– use pencils for margins and figures. try hanging one or two figures with every long answer. use a sharpener if it gets blunt while drawing figures.

Underlines Trick -what if your copy checker skips the best lines of your answers and her eyes catch the worst parts. You might get an undesirable mark due to this. Use your black pen to underline these lines so that it immediately draws the checker’s attention. You may simply write your best lines using the black pen to highlight them.
Quotations Play there well -Try remembering quotes, Thoughts Dialogues, or some important conversation from your literature. And add to your answer as much as possible, wherever it feels it should be. It gives a good impact and shows that you have read the book thoroughly.
Manage to handwrite -It is one of the biggest concerns for cacographers. If your handwriting is not lucid, try writing bigger than what it used to be. Also, increase the spacing between two words. you will end up writing a fully legible sentence.

Never leave any question blank – Attempt All questions even if you don’t know the answer correctly. A Filled copy always looks better than a blank one. In the case of mathematics, at least write the question Number if your hand gets frozen by the question. Sometimes questions are wrong or mistakenly printed. You get full marks in that case.
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