Dream your own dreams, achieve your own goals.
the Journey is your own and unique.
JEE main is an exam where your time management skills play a very important role.

Confidence before an exam:- Remind yourself that “examiner knows what you have studied and he is going to ask questions from that portion only.” Don’t read new topics just revise the old concepts and formulas.
Practice MOCK test papers, To have the idea of solving papers, practice maximum mock papers. Find out tricks to manage time. Find out your mistakes by analyzing the papers and get them improved for the next one.

Boost confidence by solving easy questions first; Yes .this is most important. We are not soldiers and questions are not enemies that we need to kill all of them. If you fall in this category spend time on these, else leave those as you have already secured good marks for any NIT of your choice of branch. You can divide your time between physics and maths as you wish.
Try to cover as much syllabus as you can: You might find some chapters to be difficult but don’t leave them entirely. Give a quick reading to the chapter and at least go through the formulas because many basic formula-based questions are also asked in JEE Mains.

Don’t leave the topics which are asked only in JEE main and not in JEE Advance: Since most of the coaching don’t cover the things that are asked only in JEE mains, students tend to leave those topics but if you study those topics properly you can easily solve them correctly.
simplest way to increase your marks is to reduce your silly mistakes. You don’t require any new knowledge for this, just very good concentration and you can easily increase 20–25 marks.
Don’t hate chemistry- most people don’t like chemistry because it requires a lot of mugging up of organic and inorganic reactions, but there is a lot of difference between scoring 4 marks in mathematics and scoring 4 marks in chemistry. You save a lot of time in chemistry. And trust me, if you go deep into to subject even inorganic becomes quite logical.

Be regular with your studies and keep solving past year’s questions to get an idea of the type of questions being asked.
And, for your convinience , we have brought DOUBTBUDDY near you , any subject may be Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics you get your answers in seconds. You even get detailed instructions for solving and explanation from the faculties. Tutors at DOUBTBUDDY are highly efficient and experienced .
It saves your time a lot giving you more time to prepare. And of course, time management plays a vital role when we speak of JEE MAIN and ADVANCE.
Hence, we can rightly say DOUBTBUDDY acting the a best friend for all those students preparing for JEE.
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