As you all must be aware, The covid-19 Pandemic has led to shifts in the mode of education. We went from traditional classroom learning to online learning

As you all must be aware, The covid-19 Pandemic has led to shifts in the mode of education. We went from traditional classroom learning to online learning in just a couple of days.

Online courses are often more convenient and less expensive than traditional on-campus courses. When you’re at home, however, concentrating can be challenging; whether you have a charming cat that requires your attention, or you simply need to wash the dishes or do your laundry. However, here are some helpful hints for staying focused on your studies while taking classes from home:

1.Avoid distractions-

The biggest con of online learning is that there are many distractions. It’s critical to keep an object that could distract you out of your workspace or study area if you want to work or study effectively. To avoid being tempted to scroll through your Facebook or Instagram feed, try leaving your phone in another room.

Avoiding or limiting your time on social media is especially crucial now that the majority of the news is focused on the new coronavirus. It’s important to stay informed, but it’s even more important to maintain some distance and look after your emotional and mental health.

2.Create a study routine-

Try to schedule the major duties of the day while you’re still sipping your morning coffee. Decide when you’ll study, when you’ll take breaks, and how you’ll reward yourself for each activity accomplished using your favorite time management tool or sticky notes.

3. Have a dedicated study space-

Create a space that you just use for studying or working. This will make it easier for you to get into a productive mindset. This should not be your bed or sofa, no matter how tempting it is. A study table and chair is the best option as it will give the feeling of sitting in an actual classroom.

4.Try to be flexible-

Flexibility is required for online learning, both for yourself and for others in your class, including your lecturers. Everybody is having a hard time adjusting. It is important to be flexible and adapt to the new way of learning.

5.Set goals-

Set some achievable and reasonable goals for yourself. The objectives should not be easy to obtain or difficult to achieve. Do some self-reflection before setting these goals.

6.Clear your doubts-

Just because you are studying online doesn’t mean that you can keep doubts piled up. Get them cleared as soon as possible. If it is difficult to connect with your teachers, use online platforms like DoubtBuddy to get them cleared. If you are a student and are facing doubts related to any subject, do check out the doubt buddy app. It is the best doubt-solving app that provides instant and 24/7 solutions to all your problems. It has some of the best tutors that will guide you through your studies.

7. Actually follow these steps-

While online learning may not be your first option, following the tips listed above will help you get the most out of your classes. Maintaining clear and open lines of communication with your instructors and students, as well as remaining engaged in the course material, will go a long way toward guaranteeing success throughout this difficult period.

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