Term 1 board exams were successfully conducted by the CBSE, and term 2 board exams will take place in March-April 2022. Students can use this time to familiarize themselves with the term 2-course material and prepare accordingly, giving them enough time to revise before a test.
CBSE Term 2 or the year-end exams will be conducted between March and April 2022. Structure-wise, it will differ from the Term 1 exams. In addition to case-based/situation-based questions, open-ended-short response/long response questions will be included.
If the situation does not allow for a traditional descriptive exam, a 90-minute MCQ-based exam will be held at the end of Term 2. Exams for Term 2 will be held at CBSE-approved testing facilities, with changes made depending on the COVID-19 circumstance.

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your class 12th term 2 board exam-
1. Solve Sample Papers-
The board will soon publish sample papers and marking schemes for classes 10th and 12th, so students may acquire a better idea of the Term 2 exam pattern. Students should practice with the sample papers to gain a better understanding of the new exam structure.
2. Read NCERTs And Exampler-
Read all of the term 2 chapters of the NCERT Books carefully and answer all of the exercise questions and examples. Because questions in CBSE exams are frequently based on NCERT volumes, study the books line by line. You will learn how to produce a suitable explanation for various exam questions. NCERT Exemplar can be used as a practice book for a broader range of questions.
3. Create A Proper Time-Table-
Students should prepare for the CBSE board in class 10 by forming a study schedule. Unless you plan ahead, achieving your goal is quite difficult. It might be helpful if you created an appropriate timeline and gave equal time to each subject. It is advisable to study at a constant pace to study aggressively; if you are weak in one area, try giving it more time.
4. Stay Within The word-Limit-
Most students forget this point and try to stay below the word limit on the answer sheet. Although it is important to write relevant information, exaggeration could result in lost marks. Good writing techniques can only be learned through practice. Prior to the test, you have 15 minutes for reading. Make the most of it.
5. Write Down Important Points-
Making short notes that are easy to understand is always beneficial when learning difficult concepts. You can write names, regulations, formulas, etc. on it. Always keep an eye on them and check over them once in a while.
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