How to make a perfect study environment for NEET 2021


During this pandemic, where the number of positive Corona cases is increasing rapidly every day, going to the coaching centers is very risky. But that doesn’t mean you should stop your NEET 2021 preparation and wait for the coaching centers to resume classes. Rather, you should look for an alternative and start learning from home with online NEET classes available in the form of live online classes and recorded video lectures.

Preparing for an entrance exam like NEET 2021 requires consistency, persistence, and a well-planned routine. And given the time spent studying at home, it is indeed important to create a conducive environment at home, to enhance your efficiency and help you prepare well for the fight ahead. Keeping in mind how easier this is said than done, we bring you a couple of neat tricks to help create a truly effective environment to prepare for NEET 2021 at the convenience of your home!

Clean your study place
You must have heard this a gazillion times before from your parents, especially your mother and trust us, they are absolutely right! A clean room inspires a much more calm and focused mindset than a messy one. If you enter a room with minimum clutter, you can easily find your focus and work on your notes with a better concentration towards your NEET 2021 exam. Whereas, a cluttered room inspires a chaotic vibe and you will find yourself getting distracted easily.

Thus, the first step to creating a positive and student-friendly environment at home is to make sure that your room is clean and tidy.

Organizing your desk- And while we are at the topic of cleanliness, another important aspect you need to focus on is decluttering your personal desk. Too many books, notebooks and pens may validate your efforts in your head, but in reality, they just affect your overall performance and hamper your study time. A cluttered desk creates a chaotic vibe as well, and you will feel like taking a break far too easily. On the other hand, a clutter-free desk will give you a positive inspiration to work with a refreshed sense of focus.

Get only required study material
Usually, when studying at home, students collect a large number of books. But in reality, you should study a limited number of books as larger the number of books higher will be the confusion. You can also get subject-wise video lectures to cover certain topics.

Keep those chat groups OUT of the restricted zone
Given the era of technological dependency we live in, it is nearly impossible to ignore the omnipresent Internet. And with most entrance exams changing their format to online, it is truly pointless to even talk about studying without it.

However, just like with any powerful tool, it’s effect totally depends on the way it is used. Thus, even though you need an internet connection to efficiently prepare yourself for what lies ahead, you need to limit the things you allow yourself to spend time on while online.

A complete boycott of all social media platforms, at least during your study hours, is essential to ensure an efficient study session. The temptation is usually hard to fight, and constant notifications don’t help. Thus, It would be advisable to mute all such notifications for the duration of your preparation for NEET 2021.

These are the most fundamental steps that you need to make sure that your home study sessions are just as effective as your classes. Of course, you can take a lot more precautions and form a routine best suitable for your personal conditions and preferences. Download our app and get all your doubts cleared in minutes

The ultimate aim is to create an environment that inspires you to work harder, with improved concentration and produce results with enhanced efficiency.

So, take our tips, add your own and just get down to work!

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