Couldn’t crack JEE in 2020? Check your preparation in 2021.


Life always gives you a second chance in everything!

Now how you use that opportunity completely depends on you. You can either waste time on thinking what went wrong and curse your fate or can start a new journey with a better study plan and a fresh approach.

JEE is one of the toughest and most competitive entrance exams in India. Every year above 12 lakh students appear for JEE Main out of only 2 lakh students qualify for JEE Advanced. Similarly, this year also thousands of students will qualify MAIN and get into ADVANCE. This year you just don’t have two chances but four and two exams are yet to happen, so do not worry at all. Still you have time to improve upon.

Feeling negative is common after a bad result but making it part of your life is not. Just think about great scientists such as Edison and Albert Einstein, who never gave up after getting failed and gifted the world with their discoveries. Had they given up, how would we have got the theory of relativity and electric power generation?

Here are the things you need to do to start preparation for JEE MAIN 2021.

Start with a fresh approach for rest two exams!
You need to go through the whole syllabus once again, you might feel boring at times. To avoid that boredom, you can opt for different learning mediums. For instance, if you studied just from books in your previous attempt, you can enroll for JEE Main online courses offering live interactive classes and recorded video lectures. This will not just keep you motivated but will also boost your interest level in studies.

Learn from your mistakes in the last attempts in JEE Main
The first step in JEE Main preparation for the second attempt is to look back and find out the mistakes that became a hindrance in your success. It could be anything from your timetable to the selection of coaching institute, learning techniques and revision.

Common mistakes during the time of preparation

Improper Time-Management – If you think that you couldn’t manage your study time well due to a lot of travelling, going digital this time is the right choice.

Unresolved Doubts– There are students who hesitate to ask their doubts in the class and skip the topics completely. If you also avoid asking doubts in front of other students, you can download DOUBTBUDDY from the playstore and get your doubts cleared by experienced teachers.

Ignoring Revision– No matter how intelligent someone is, revision is essential to perform well in the exam. You can make the process easy and effective by revising the syllabus and important topics by watching videos.

Wrong learning style– Every student has their own learning style like audio, visual, verbal, physical etc. Having knowledge of your learning style helps you choose the most suitable technique. Based on your learning style, you can either choose one or go for blended learning like live interactive videos, e-books, webinars and printed study material.

Focus on improvement and smart work– As you have already covered complete JEE Main syllabus in your previous attempt, there is no use of wasting time again on the same thing. In your second attempt for JEE Main, you should be more focused on smart work than hard work.

Solve more practice tests
Solving practice tests is one of the best ways to check how well you have understood the topic, how quickly you can solve the questions and how well you understand the questions. Along with going through the syllabus and revision, you should lay equal emphasis on solving mock tests, practice tests and previous year papers. As the exam is conducted in the computer-based test (CBT) format, solving online JEE Main practice tests can be a good idea.

We wish you a good luck for your exam, do well!

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